Category Archives: Life


this is between me against the mirror;
the conflicts and the constraints,
the truth and the dare do or don’t.
will i say i become an adult today,
who watches the Cuppy woman flaunting wealth
from the hard-work, restricted by my
mental pull of a hatch
if i could just propel my brightly dark wings,
leaving arms and legs on the stem of a blue ivy
who nurtured me with the nectar, secreted
after my world had been hatched to larva
till now. this image is a freak,
i am the world itself in a mirror, lifeless.

Natur’s Pictur N’quill. 2019.

11:50pm. Àtùpà (Lantern)

I am the light, I cloak you from darkness
I see you, I feel your worries
I enlighten your heart;
Sure you don’t get lost in the dark
And this I think, light your path.

Few hours ago,
Before the night beckoned on your soul,
I found you, sun has not ducked fully on the meadows.
I told twilight that moonlight would not be bright enough
To walk your lonely self in the dark.

So I make sacrifice to burn all night for you,
Whilst I wish a candle could burn for me alone.
I don’t trust the moonlight to keep you safe
But I trust in my flames, it will keep you warm.

I illuminate your way while in need of illumination,
For I am your ATUPA. I assure you,
You will always survive darkness under my flames…

®Jaiye_Taiwo with Fisayo (Natur’s Quill)

Date: Tuesday 9th of July 2019.


This life I wish to live

Is the life I’m living

It’s my life

Not your life

It’s my life

My living… 

This life we choose to live

Is the life we’re choosing

Is the life

You choose, I choose

We choose, 

So choose! 

Natur’s Pictur N’quill 2016©