Category Archives: Lust…

Lust by Jaiye_Taiwo

Bathe with me in a pool of chilly water,
With the foams floating and our bodies shivering,
Goose bumps allover, my nipples erect
Our bodies shaking with lust

Lay me on a bed of roses
With candles lit and soft music playing,
The lights off.,the windows open and soft breeze blowing
Whisper into my ear, the things you want to do to me
I don’t care if it hurts, Give me a love bite.. just do it..
Touch me from the hair on my head to the nails on my toe

Tickle my fancy,
Make me go wild with lust,
Make my eyes yearn for your stare,
My ears for your words,
My lips for your kiss,
My body for your touch

Make me go wild with lust
Give me all of you
I will give you all of me
Make me hot and cold
Make me smile and cry
Give me pain and pleasure..
Make Love to me…

©Jaiyeola Taiwo Khadijat


She has everything he needs
Yet the ceiling marvels at his silence
Whilst the propeller rolling up the chopper–
Designed to take his soul high
Above the realms of pure ecstacy
Porpels his eyes, believing not to take advantage
Of his damsel who, in all her trust,
Came into his chamber to know him better.
His balls in pain but heart holds pace
Until silence sends his nothing to prove out of the drama
Supposed for tonight into the mere laughter
Supposed to be a night to wrestle with love
“Such a calm guy” His damsel giggles at her exit.

®Natur’s Quill 2019.